Relative Research

Analytics and trends based on scenarios and findings

Jumping and Landing


"Validation of the VERT wearable jump monitor device in elite youth volleyball players."

Borges TO, Moreira A, Bacchi R, Finotti RL, Ramos M, Lopes CR, Aoki MS. Validation of the VERT wearable jump monitor device in elite youth volleyball players. Biol Sport. 2017 Sep;34(3):239-242. doi: 10.5114/biolsport.2017.66000. Epub 2017 Feb 19. PMID: 29158616; PMCID: PMC5676319.


"Validity and Reliability of Jump Height Measurements Obtained From Nonathletic Populations With the VERT Device."

Manor J, Bunn J, Bohannon RW. Validity and Reliability of Jump Height Measurements Obtained From Nonathletic Populations With the VERT Device. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2020 Jan/Mar;43(1):20-23. doi: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000205. PMID: 29979354.

"A biomechanical analysis of good and poor performers of the vertical jump."

Vanezis A, Lees A. A biomechanical analysis of good and poor performers of the vertical jump. Ergonomics. 2005 Sep 15-Nov 15;48(11-14):1594-603. doi: 10.1080/00140130500101262. PMID: 16338725.

"Validation of the VERT wearable jump monitor device in elite youth volleyball players."

Borges TO, Moreira A, Bacchi R, Finotti RL, Ramos M, Lopes CR, Aoki MS. Validation of the VERT wearable jump monitor device in elite youth volleyball players. Biol Sport. 2017 Sep;34(3):239-242. doi: 10.5114/biolsport.2017.66000. Epub 2017 Feb 19. PMID: 29158616; PMCID: PMC5676319.


Technology we use:  Blazepod


Technology we use:  Dashr


Technology we use:  Vert